ICSF Membership

The Italian Canadian Sports Federation is a registered nonprofit society under the Society’s Act of British Columbia. Its sole purpose is to coordinate, promote, encourage and assist competitive and non-competitive sport initiatives within the Italian Canadian Community through its board of directors and by-laws.

ICSF Certified Bylaws (136kb)

Throughout its history the ICSF has organized interregional soccer tournaments, facilitated and supported other sports groups and have helped in the development of youth soccer within the Italian Canadian community.

Members of the society receive:

  • Voting privileges at the annual general meeting (members 18 years of age or older)
  • An opportunity to have a voice in the affairs of the society
  • Options to participate in the programs offered by the society

All players and team representatives 18 years of age or older will pay a small annual fee which will entitle them to all the benefits listed above. This fee will not be part of registration.

Youth players membership fees are incorporated into registration fees and collected at the time of registration.